Leonardo Andrade

Leonardo Andrade is a multifaceted visionary whose professional journey seamlessly bridges technology, design, photography, and most notably, the art of fermentation. Beginning his career in the tech sector for ten years, Leonardo made a bold shift to the world of fermentation, driven by his passion for sustainability and nutrition. As the co-founder of both Companhia dos Fermentados and Fermentare School of Fermentation, he has distinguished himself both nationally and internationally for innovation and excellence in fermented beverages.

Author of Regulatory Instruction 41, which establishes the Identity and Quality Standard (PIQ) for kombucha in Brazil, Leonardo has also shared his extensive knowledge through the book “Brazilian Way Of Fermentation,” published by Editora Melhoramentos, and “Sugar, Alcohol & Vinegar” by Editora Fermentare. Furthermore, Leonardo expanded his impact in the sector with the development of the Fermenta Apps franchise, demonstrating his unique ability to merge technology with fermentation. His work not only raises the standard for fermented beverages in Brazil but also educates and inspires a new generation of fermentation enthusiasts.

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